
Ever since its establishment, our company has set as its number one priority the distribution of safe, high quality products to consumers. To achieve this goal, we work with one of the most authoritative certification bodies of quality management systems worldwide, the Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance. Product of this collaboration is the full adoption and implementation of the international ISO 22000 food safety standard.

Why ISO 22000?

Food safety is a critical issue worldwide. The International Organization for Standardization ISO has developed the ISO 22000 standard for the certification of food safety management systems, aiming to a full implementation of HACCP throughout the duration of the production process. The team that developed the standard ISO 22000 has representatives from 14 countries from all continents and from organizations such Codex Alimentarius (WHO & FAO), the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) and Confederation of Food and Drink Industries of EEC (CIAA). Applying the food safety standard ISO 22000 in all stages of production, packaging, storage and distribution of our products, we can guarantee to the general public that all Foustani’s Farm products meet the most stringent food safety standards worldwide, of which we are very proud.

The activities of our company include:

  • The slaughtering of calves, pigs and lambs in our modern slaughterhouse, with approval code S40.
  • The cutting and packaging of fresh veal, pork and lamb in our standard unit, with approval code A183 & PE401.
  • The production of meat-based products in our meat processing unit, with approval code IMP157.
  • The full managing of animal by-products of our company, thus having zero footprint on the environment, fulfilling 100% of Greek and European legislation.
  • The production of high quality food, rich in protein content, for pet and fur animals.
  • Foustani Almopias
  • Prefecture of Pella
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