Foustanis Kalbsbratwurst mit bunten Paprikaschoten und Feta in Karveli Brot
Zubereitungszeit: 25 Minuten
Schwierigkeitsgrad: Einfach
Chef: Stathis Lazaridis
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Ingredients for 8 people as a delicacy:
- 4 Foustani’s Veal Sausages
- 5 green peppers
- 150 gr feta cheese
- 3 orange peppers
- 3 red πιπεριές
- 2 dry onions
- garlic as pleased
- 350 ml ready-made thyme sauce
- 1 laurel leaf
- a little mint
- bahari as pleased
- cumin as pleased
- enough red semi-sweet wine
- olive oil
- salt – pepper
- Heat a lot of olive oil in a large pot.
- We soften the finely chopped onion.
- Add the green pepper cut into large cubes.
- Immediately add the finely chopped garlic and stir so as to slightly soften the peppers.
- Cut to large cubes the red and orange peppers and add the to the pot.
- We quench with enough wine.
- Add the prepared sauce with thyme, mix and season. Cover and cook on low heat.
- Just before the sauce is tied, add sausage cut into slices. Cover and cook until the sauce is ready.
- Finally cut the feta cheese into cubes and place it in the freshly baked karveli bread.